This exquisite Giuseppe Armani figurine, titled "Wedding Vows," is a stunning addition to any collection. Crafted from fine porcelain in Italy, this sculpture d'arte features intricate details and vibrant multicolor hues that capture the romantic essence of a wedding ceremony. The medium-sized figurine, signed by Armani himself, depicts a bride and groom exchanging vows and is a perfect gift for a newlywed couple or a special addition to a wedding-themed decor. Whether you're a collector or just appreciate the beauty of Italian art, this original 1973 piece will make a charming statement in any setting. Despite its age, the figurine is in impeccable condition and ready to be displayed with pride. 8 1/2 x 5/12 " There is a small scratch on the base back corner, please see photos for details. Get ready for all the spring weddings